For US healthcare professionals only

What does successful UC management
mean to your patients?

There is more that can be done to better understand what patients may struggle to articulate

When it comes to shared decision-making, everyone plays a part

  • For your patients1*

    For your patients1*

    • Discussing how UC affects different aspects of their daily lives
    • Expressing personal preferences and values
    • Communicating openly and honestly with their physicians
  • For you1,2*

    For you1,2*

    • Engaging in focused dialogue that uncovers the unspoken truths and health disparities in UC management
    • Helping to ensure that patients are not accepting a new, limited normal with their UC
    • Discussing mutual goals that give your patients better control over their daily UC management

UnCovered Insights

From a global survey of patients with UC

Many patients surveyed who participated in shared decision-making experienced improved satisfaction and outcomes1*:

of patients


reported satisfaction with discussions helping them reach their day-to-day goals

of patients


reported satisfaction with discussions helping them reach their long-term goals

Survey limitations: The data collected relied on accurate and honest recall and reporting by both patients and physicians. Patients were recruited based on physician-referred and self-reported diagnoses of UC, and their disease severity was established from their patient-reported medication history. Survey questions asked respondents to indicate their level of agreement from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” Results reported here as “agree” contain responses from the “strongly agree” and “somewhat agree” categories. Patient participation was also limited to those with Internet access and those who had registered as members of online panels. Some physicians were also surveyed by phone, so there is potential for the interviewer to impact the results.1,2

*Based on findings from respective surveys.1,2

UC=ulcerative colitis.

References: 1. Rubin DT, Hart A, Panaccione R, et al; The Global UC Narrative Survey Panel. Ulcerative Colitis Narrative global survey findings: communication gaps and agreements between patients and physicians. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2021;27(7):1096-1106. 2. Dubinsky MC, Watanabe K, Molander P, et al; The Global UC Narrative Survey Panel. Ulcerative Colitis Narrative global survey findings: the impact of living with ulcerative colitis—patients’ and physicians’ view. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2021;27(11):1747-1755.